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Migration from v7 to v8

This guide describes the changes needed to migrate the Data Grid from v7 to v8.


This is a reference guide for upgrading @mui/x-data-grid from v7 to v8.

Start using the new release

In package.json, change the version of the Data Grid package to next.

-"@mui/x-data-grid": "^7.x.x",
+"@mui/x-data-grid": "next",

-"@mui/x-data-grid-pro": "^7.x.x",
+"@mui/x-data-grid-pro": "next",

-"@mui/x-data-grid-premium": "^7.x.x",
+"@mui/x-data-grid-premium": "next",

Using next ensures that it will always use the latest v8 pre-release version, but you can also use a fixed version, like 8.0.0-alpha.0.

Run codemods

The preset-safe codemod will automatically adjust the bulk of your code to account for breaking changes in v8. You can run v8.0.0/data-grid/preset-safe targeting only Data Grid or v8.0.0/preset-safe to target the other packages as well.

You can either run it on a specific file, folder, or your entire codebase when choosing the <path> argument.

# Data Grid specific
npx @mui/x-codemod@latest v8.0.0/data-grid/preset-safe <path>

# Target the other packages as well
npx @mui/x-codemod@latest v8.0.0/preset-safe <path>

Breaking changes that are handled by this codemod are prefixed with a ✅ emoji.

If you have already applied the v8.0.0/data-grid/preset-safe (or v8.0.0/preset-safe) codemod, then you should not need to take any further action on these items.

All other changes must be handled manually.

Breaking changes

Since v8 is a major release, it contains some changes that affect the public API. These changes were done for consistency, improve stability and make room for new features. Below are described the steps you need to make to migrate from v7 to v8.

Setting license key

The deprecated LicenseInfo export was removed from the @mui/x-data-grid-pro and @mui/x-data-grid-premium packages. You have to import it from @mui/x-license instead:

-import { LicenseInfo } from '@mui/x-data-grid-pro';
-import { LicenseInfo } from '@mui/x-data-grid-premium';
+import { LicenseInfo } from '@mui/x-license';



  • Passing additional props (like data-*, aria-*) directly on the Data Grid component is no longer supported. To pass the props, use slotProps:
    • For the .root element, use slotProps.root
    • For the .main element (the one with role="grid"), use slotProps.main


  • The default value of the rowSelectionPropagation prop has been changed to { parents: true, descendants: true } which means that the selection will be propagated to the parents and descendants by default. To revert to the previous behavior, pass rowSelectionPropagation={{ parents: false, descendants: false }}.

  • ✅ The prop indeterminateCheckboxAction has been removed. Clicking on an indeterminate checkbox "selects" the unselected descendants.

  • The "Select all" checkbox would now be checked when all the selectable rows are selected, ignoring rows that are not selectable because of the isRowSelectable prop.

  • The row selection model has been changed from GridRowId[] to { type: 'include' | 'exclude'; ids: Set<GridRowId> }. Using Set allows for a more efficient row selection management. The exclude selection type allows to select all rows except the ones in the ids set.

    This change impacts the following props:

    • rowSelectionModel
    • onRowSelectionModelChange
    • initialState.rowSelectionModel
    -const [rowSelectionModel, setRowSelectionModel] = React.useState<GridRowSelectionModel>([]);
    +const [rowSelectionModel, setRowSelectionModel] = React.useState<GridRowSelectionModel>({ type: 'include', ids: new Set() });

    This change also impacts the gridRowSelectionStateSelector selector. For convenience, use the gridRowSelectionManagerSelector selector to handle both selection types:

    -const rowSelection = gridRowSelectionStateSelector(apiRef);
    -const isRowSelected = rowSelection.includes(rowId);
    +const rowSelectionManager = gridRowSelectionManagerSelector(apiRef);
    +const isRowSelected = rowSelectionManager.has(rowId);

    There is also a createRowSelectionManager utility function that can be used to manage the row selection:

    const rowSelectionManager = createRowSelectionManager({
      type: 'include',
      ids: new Set(),
  • The selectedIdsLookupSelector selector has been removed. Use the gridRowSelectionManagerSelector or gridRowSelectionStateSelector selectors instead.

  • The selectedGridRowsSelector has been renamed to gridRowSelectionIdsSelector.

  • The selectedGridRowsCountSelector has been renamed to gridRowSelectionCountSelector.

Changes to the public API

  • ✅ The rowPositionsDebounceMs prop was removed.

  • The resetPageOnSortFilter prop was removed. The Data Grid now goes back to the first page after sort or filter is applied.

  • The apiRef.current.resize() method was removed.

  • The apiRef.current.forceUpdate() method was removed. Use selectors combined with useGridSelector() hook to react to changes in the state.

  • The <GridOverlays /> component is not exported anymore.

  • The sanitizeFilterItemValue() utility is not exported anymore.

  • gridRowsDataRowIdToIdLookupSelector was removed. Use gridRowsLookupSelector in combination with getRowId() API method instead.

    -const idToIdLookup = gridRowsDataRowIdToIdLookupSelector(apiRef);
    -const rowId = idToIdLookup[id];
    +const rowsLookup = gridRowsLookupSelector(apiRef);
    +const rowId = apiRef.current.getRowId(rowsLookup[id]);
  • ✅ The feature row spanning is now stable.

    -  unstable_rowSpanning
    +  rowSpanning
  • The data source feature and its related props are now stable.

    -  unstable_dataSource={dataSource}
    -  unstable_dataSourceCache={cache}
    -  unstable_lazyLoading
    -  unstable_lazyLoadingRequestThrottleMs={100}
    +  dataSource={dataSource}
    +  dataSourceCache={cache}
    +  lazyLoading
    +  lazyLoadingRequestThrottleMs={100}
  • The data source API is now stable.

    - apiRef.current.unstable_dataSource.getRows()
    + apiRef.current.dataSource.getRows()
  • Return type of the useGridApiRef() hook and the type of apiRef prop are updated to explicitly include the possibilty of null. In addition to this, useGridApiRef() returns a reference that is initialized with null instead of {}.

    Only the initial value and the type are updated. Logic that initializes the API and its availability remained the same, which means that if you could access API in a particular line of your code before, you are able to access it as well after this change.

    Depending on the context in which the API is being used, you can decide what is the best way to deal with null value. Some options are:

    • Use optional chaining
    • Use non-null assertion operator if you are sure your code is always executed when the apiRef is not null
    • Return early if apiRef is null
    • Throw an error if apiRef is null
  • GridSortItem interface is not exported anymore.

  • createUseGridApiEventHandler() is not exported anymore.

  • The showToolbar prop is now required to display the toolbar.

    It is no longer necessary to pass GridToolbar as a slot to display the default toolbar.

    +  showToolbar
    -  slots={{
    -    toolbar: GridToolbar,
    -  }}
  • The signature of unstable_onDataSourceError() has been updated to support future use-cases.

    -  unstable_onDataSourceError={(error: Error, params: GridGetRowsParams) => {
    -    if (params.filterModel) {
    -      // do something
    -    }
    -  }}
    +  unstable_onDataSourceError={(error: GridGetRowsError | GridUpdateRowError) => {
    +    if (error instanceof GridGetRowsError && error.params.filterModel) {
    +      // do something
    +    }
    +  }}

Behavioral changes

  • The "Reset" button in the column visibility panel now resets to the initial column visibility model instead of the model when the panel was opened. The reset behavior follows these rules:

    1. If an initial columnVisibilityModel is provided, it resets to that model.
    2. If a controlled columnVisibilityModel is provided, it resets to the first model value.
    3. When the columns are updated (via the columns prop or updateColumns() API method), the reset reference point updates to the current columnVisibilityModel.

    To revert to the previous behavior, provide a custom component to the slots.columnsManagement.



  • The Grid is more aligned with the WAI-ARIA authoring practices and sets the role attribute to treegrid if the Data Grid is used with row grouping feature.


  • The selectors signature has been updated. They are only accepting apiRef as a first argument. Some selectors support additional arguments.

    -mySelector(state, instanceId)


    -mySelector(state, instanceId)
    +mySelector(apiRef, arguments)
  • The useGridSelector() signature has been updated due to the introduction of arguments parameter in the selectors. Pass undefined as arguments if the selector doesn't use any arguments.

    -const output = useGridSelector(apiRef, selector, equals);
    +const output = useGridSelector(apiRef, selector, arguments, equals);
  • The filteredRowsLookup object of the filter state does not contain true values anymore. If the row is filtered out, the value is false. Otherwise, the row id is not present in the object. This change only impacts you if you relied on filteredRowsLookup to get ids of filtered rows. In this case,use gridDataRowIdsSelector selector to get row ids and check filteredRowsLookup for false values:

     const filteredRowsLookup = gridFilteredRowsLookupSelector(apiRef);
    -const filteredRowIds = Object.keys(filteredRowsLookup).filter((rowId) => filteredRowsLookup[rowId] === true);
    +const rowIds = gridDataRowIdsSelector(apiRef);
    +const filteredRowIds = rowIds.filter((rowId) => filteredRowsLookup[rowId] !== false);
  • The visibleRowsLookup state does not contain true values anymore. If the row is not visible, the value is false. Otherwise, the row id is not present in the object:

     const visibleRowsLookup = gridVisibleRowsLookupSelector(apiRef);
    -const isRowVisible = visibleRowsLookup[rowId] === true;
    +const isRowVisible = visibleRowsLookup[rowId] !== false;

Other exports

  • ariaV8 experimental flag is removed. It's now the default behavior.
  • Subcomponents that are in a React Portal must now be wrapped with GridPortalWrapper


  • The clear button in header filter cells has moved to the header filter menu. Use slotProps={{ headerFilterCell: { showClearIcon: true } }} to restore the clear button in the cell.
  • Custom filter input components typings have been modified.

CSS classes and styling

  • The Data Grid now has a default background color, and its customization has moved from theme.mixins.MuiDataGrid to theme.palette.DataGrid with the following properties:

    • bg: Sets the background color of the entire grid (new property)
    • headerBg: Sets the background color of the header (previously named containerBackground)
    • pinnedBg: Sets the background color of pinned rows and columns (previously named pinnedBackground)
     const theme = createTheme({
    -  mixins: {
    -    MuiDataGrid: {
    -      containerBackground: '#f8fafc',
    -      pinnedBackground: '#f1f5f9',
    -    },
    -  },
    +  palette: {
    +    DataGrid: {
    +      bg: '#f8fafc',
    +      headerBg: '#e2e8f0',
    +      pinnedBg: '#f1f5f9',
    +    },
    +  },
  • The detailPanels, pinnedColumns, and pinnedRowsRenderZone classes have been removed.

  • The main--hasSkeletonLoadingOverlay class has been renamed to main--hiddenContent and is now also applied when the "No columns" overlay is displayed.


  • The baseFormControl slot was removed.
  • The baseInputLabel slot was removed.
  • The baseInputAdornment slot was removed.
  • The paper slot has been renamed to panelContent.